This is transformative…

Sitting in a staff meeting… Teachers seated in the audience, a select group of people at the front leading the meeting dispensing information. Information that may be important to know yet an inefficient way to accomplish the task. That day I remember one statement – emphatically declared that sat like an irritating pebble in myContinue reading “This is transformative…”

Online Courses – What makes them work for you?

If you were asked, “Identify ten ingredients for an effective and meaningful online course.”,what would you include as essential? Have you taken an online course?  What worked for you?  What were the challenges?  Share your insights, thoughts, and wishes when it comes to online learning. I am curious to hear from students, teachers, parents, and others.Continue reading “Online Courses – What makes them work for you?”

A Community of Learners, Near and Far

This is a story about some of my favorite learners who live throughout Alberta.  They access their courses online, connect in Blackboard Collaborate sessions, and share in small groups via Google Meet. Once a week, those that can, meet for for a full day of learning and exploring together. These young students know that youContinue reading “A Community of Learners, Near and Far”

Finding the Best Blend for Learning (It’s not about the coffee.)

Last fall, at the BlendED and Online Symposium, one of our discussions centered on this question:  How do educators define blended learning? This is relavent question in education today, and one that is especially pertinent to me, because I teach students in both online and face to face settings. How is blended learning put intoContinue reading “Finding the Best Blend for Learning (It’s not about the coffee.)”